Wk | Date | Speaker Information | Title |
1 | 9/11 |
Course orientation &Environmental Health and Safety |
2 | 9/18 |
Prof. Chen-Chao Tao Department of Communication & Technology, National Chiao Tung University |
Cognitive approaches to media: Origins and recent developments |
3 | 9/25 |
Ms. Ting-Pei Huang National Taiwan University Library |
圖書館資源 & 文獻資料庫 |
4 | 10/2 |
Prof. Lung Yu Department of Physiology, National Cheng Kung University |
心理學門衣櫥內的死人骨頭研討會──研究計畫審查機制透明化及精進方向 |
5 | 10/9 |
Prof. Tony Cheng Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University |
空間觸覺的科學與哲學研究 Spatial Touch Empirical and Philosophical Investigations |
6 | 10/16 | Dr. Wu, Chyi-In
Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica |
Status Struggles: position, peer and practice in classroom |
7 | 10/23 |
Han-Yu Xu (Ph. D., Candidate) Yu-Jie Chen (Ph. D., Candidate) Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University |
華人社會的潛規則:檯面下的社會秩序 Self-Compassion and Psychological Health in the Workplace
8 | 10/30 |
Prof. King-Wai Yau Member, National Academy of Sciences |
9 | 11/6 |
Prof. Jessica Wang Lancaster University |
10 | 11/13 |
FranÇois Jullien
論 真生活 |
11 | 11/20 |
Dr. Chien-Ming Chen
12 | 11/27 |
Dr. Hua-Sheng Tang Seed of Hope Clinic |
強迫症的認知行為治療 |
13 | 12/4 |
Prof. Christoph Dahl Graduate Institute of Mind Brain and Consciousness, Taipei Medical University |
14 | 12/11 |
Prof. Po-Hsien Huang Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University |
A General Framework for Sparse Estimation in Structural Equation Modeling |
15 | 12/18 |
Doctoral Student' Speech |
16 | 12/25 |
Doctoral Student' Speech |
17 | 1/1 |
Holiday |
18 | 1/8 |
Final Exam |