
Home Events 2023.03.22(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Po-Jang Hsieh〈The function and localization of human consciousness〉

2023.03.22(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Po-Jang Hsieh〈The function and localization of human consciousness〉

  • Date: 2023.03.22(Wed) 14:30
  • Venue: N100, North Hall, Department of Psychology
  • Speaker: Dr. Po-Jang Hsieh (Associate professor, Department of psychology, National Taiwan University)
  • Topic: The function and localization of human consciousness

Scientific studies of consciousness can be roughly categorized into two directions: (1) How/where does consciousness emerge? (the mechanism of consciousness) and (2) Why is there consciousness? (the function of consciousness). I will summarize my past research on the quest for consciousness in these two directions.

Home Events 2023.03.22(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Po-Jang Hsieh〈The function and localization of human consciousness〉