【Doctoral Student' Speech】
Date:May 1st 2024
Venue:N100, North Building, Department of Psychology
Speaker:Yi-Hsuan Hsu
Title:How and When Managers’ Consultation Behavior Sparks Employees’ Voice: A Conservation of Resources Perspective
Our research investigates the proactive role of managers in facilitating employee voice, particularly for employees with low social status. Utilizing the conservation of resources theory, we suggest that managers' receipt of organizational support motivates them to engage in consultation behaviors, actively seeking input from subordinates. This study, conducted through two survey waves involving 341 employees and their direct managers across 10 companies, uses multilevel path analysis to explore these dynamics. Results indicate that managers' perceived organizational support is positively linked to their consultation behavior, which in turn enhances employees' voice efficacy and upward voice. Notably, managers' consultation significantly boosts the upward voice of low-social-status employees, highlighting the importance of managerial proactivity in promoting inclusive communication within organizations. This finding adds a new dimension to voice literature and provides actionable insights for enhancing employee engagement through managerial practices.
Speaker:Yi-Ting Lin
Title:Investigating the Role of Deep Cerebellar Nuclei in Social Interaction in Mice
Social interaction is crucial for the survival and well-being of individuals in a society. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this dynamic process remain elusive. Although previous research has predominantly focused on elucidating the role of the cerebral cortex in social interaction circuitry, accumulating evidence has supported the involvement of cerebellum. Both structural and functional connections between the cerebellum and the cerebrum have been found to engage in various types of social interaction, with alterations noted in the brains of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and corresponding mouse models. The deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN), as the main output of the cerebellum, play a pivotal role in connecting the cerebellum and the cerebrum. To investigate the role of DCN in social interaction, three experiments were conducted to address the following research questions: (1) Is DCN activity essential for the expression of social interaction behaviors in mice? (2) Is social interaction process encoded by overall activity level in the DCN? (3) Are there specific temporal dynamics in DCN neuronal activity encoding different types of social interaction behaviors? Using chemical micro-infusion, chemogenetics, and in vivo electrophysiology, I discovered that both inactivation and activation of DCN activity led to a reduction in the manifestation of social interaction in mice. This observation challenges the traditional view of a monotonic relationship between brain region activity and behavioral expression. Additionally, the DCN exhibited distinct patterns of electrophysiological activity for two different types of social interaction behaviors. Collectively, these findings suggest that the DCN may encode social interaction through specific temporal dynamics rather than overall activity levels.