
Home Events 2024.8.22(Thu) 10:30 Dr. Hiromasa Takemura 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system 〉

2024.8.22(Thu) 10:30 Dr. Hiromasa Takemura 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system 〉

  • Date: 2024.08.22(Thu) 10:30
  • Venue: SB19, South Hall, Department of Psychology
  • Speaker: Dr. Hiromasa Takemura
  • Topic: Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system
Home Events 2024.8.22(Thu) 10:30 Dr. Hiromasa Takemura 〈Investigating the relationship between retinotopic organization and white matter tracts in the human visual system 〉