
回首頁 演講訊息 105.09.21 (三) 15:30 顏志龍教授〈Can causal inferences be drawn from randomized controlled trials in psychology? An analysis of one thousand psychological experiments〉

105.09.21 (三) 15:30 顏志龍教授〈Can causal inferences be drawn from randomized controlled trials in psychology? An analysis of one thousand psychological experiments〉

  • 演講時間: 105年09月21日(三) 15:30
  • 演講地點: N100
  • 講者: 顏志龍教授(銘傳大學諮商與工商心理系)
  • 演講主題: Can causal inferences be drawn from randomized controlled trials in psychology? An analysis of one thousand psychological experiments
回首頁 演講訊息 105.09.21 (三) 15:30 顏志龍教授〈Can causal inferences be drawn from randomized controlled trials in psychology? An analysis of one thousand psychological experiments〉