In the recent years, there has been a surge of neuroscience research on culture and emotion. In this talk, I will provide a selective review of this emerging literature. First, I will draw a broad theoretical framework that elaborates on a cultural variation on the construal of the self as independent or interdependent. Second, I will then discuss reward values of high vs. low arousal emotions, emotion regulation, and the relationship between anger and health. In each case, the cultural construal of the self plays a significant role in yielding significant cultural differences. I will then discuss evolutionary and historical origins of culture before suggesting directions for future research.
105.10.18 (二) 14:20 Prof. Shinobu Kitayama〈Cultural Neuroscience of Emotion: Accomplishment and Future Directions〉
- 演講時間: 105年10月18日(二) 14:20-16:00 (同場將安排黃光國老師於演講後與講者進行半小時對談。)
- 演講地點: 北館A教室
- 講者: Prof. Shinobu Kitayama(University of Michigan)
- 演講主題: Cultural Neuroscience of Emotion: Accomplishment and Future Directions