Wk |
Date |
Speaker Information |
Title |
1 |
9/11 |
課程介紹 Introduction 研究所新生歡迎會 Welcome Party |
2 |
9/18 |
游紫華小姐 齊行國際顧問公司總經理 |
Are you ready? 大家一起來算命 |
3 |
9/25 |
Christoph D. Dahl, Ph.D. 台大心理系博士後研究 |
The evolution of social cognition in primates |
4 |
10/2 |
吳恩賜教授 台大腦與心智研究所 |
The Aging Brain |
5 |
10/9 |
Dr. Jersey Liang School of Public Health and Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Social Stratification and Joint Trajectories of Physical, Emotional and Cognitive Functioning among Older Americans |
6 |
10/16 |
Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso School of Humanities, University of Hong Kong |
Opera Cinema, and The 'Cocktail-Party Effect'
7-1 |
10/23 12:30 |
鄭建宏博士 Corporate Director of Prevention and Early Intervention Services, Pacific Clinics |
Mental Health Disparities Experienced by the Asian pacific Islanders in California
7-2 |
10/23 2:30 |
"心"方向 -- 心靈、情緒與文化系列 Dr. Alan Pegna Neurology Department, Geneva University Hospital |
Affective blindsight: Evidence for and against a rapid subcortical route |
8-1 |
10/30 13:00 |
吳宗祐教授 台灣科技大學企業管理系 |
當部屬遇到惡主管:不當督導與部屬反應的系列研究 |
8-2 |
10/30 2:30 |
蘇逸人博士 國科會人社中心博士後研究 |
Psychopathology and Treatment Mechanisms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Role of Dysfunctional Cognitions |
9-1 |
11/6 12:30 |
心理系博士生畢業演講 -- 余睿羚同學 |
巴金森氏病患者之神經心理功能研究:探討認知功能、監控記憶、及社會認知功能之關係 |
9-2 |
2:30 |
"心"方向 -- 心靈、情緒與文化系列 陳玉秀教授 雅樂舞身體實驗與動態功能研究 |
雅樂舞與身心的鬱閼--傳統身心文化的思考 |
10 |
11/13 |
"心"方向 -- 心靈、情緒與文化系列 歐陽彥正教授 台大資訊工程學系 |
近代物理學所引發的哲學問題與唯識心理學 |
11 |
11/20 |
羅彥宇醫師 慈濟醫院神經醫學科學中心 |
Cognitive reserve and Alzheimer disease |
12 |
11/27 |
莊璦嘉教授 台大工商管理學系 |
Does West "Fit" Withe East? In Search of a Chinese Model of Person-Environment Fit. |
13 |
13:00 |
"心"方向 -- 心靈、情緒與文化系列 簡惠玲教授 中國醫藥學院神經科學與認知科學研究所 |
Becoming a native face expert: On early specialization |
14-1 |
12/11 12:30 |
心理系博士生畢業演講 -- 林山源同學 |
Interocular grouping without awareness: the extent of uncousious processing and its neural correlates
14-2 |
12/11 2:30 |
"心"方向 -- 心靈、情緒與文化系列 黃鳳英教授 台北教育大學生命教育系 |
正念慈悲與情緒調適 |
15-1 |
12/18 12:30 |
心理系博士生畢業演講 -- 黃健同學 |
性侵害犯罪行為之雙重認知歷程分析:內在連結處理之促發與抑制 |
15-2 |
12/18 2:30 |
黃啟泰教授 政大心理系 |
Dissecting intention- and outcome-based observational learning in early childhood |
16 |
12/25 |
陳奕全博士 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University |
Audiovisual integration in time: The development trajectory and the role of early visual experience |
17 |
1/1 |
元旦放假 (No Talk) |
18 |
1/8 |
Final Exam (No Talk) |
102-1 Seminar Schedule
- 演講時間: 2013/09/16
- 演講地點: N100
- 講者: N
- 演講主題: N