講題:Interpersonal emotion regulation in parent-child conflict
講題:Presentation Title: Effects of Subjective Gender Experiences on Psychological Well-being of Taiwanese College Students
Previous research has suggested that women and girls are at higher risk than men and boys for developing certain psychological problems, such as depression (Cyranowski, Frank, Young, & Shear, 2000; Lewinsohn, Rhode, Seeley, & Baldwin, 2001), eating disorders (Stice & Bearman, 2001; Striegel-Moore & Bulik, 2007), various forms of anxiety disorders (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, 2001), and physical and emotional symptoms of stress (American Psychological Association, 2012). Measures that have been used to assess femininity tended to follow two main approaches. One approach views femininity as a personality trait that is socially desirable and gender-role appropriate attribute (Bem, 1974). The other approach emphasizes gender role socialization of which women learn and internalize gender roles as deem acceptable by cultural standards (Eisler, 1995; Levant & Philpot, 2002). Despite the many efforts attempted to capture the stressors encouter by females in modern society in these measures, there has yet to be a single measure that can integrate all the past findings on femininity related constructs such as gender role strain, gender role identity, gender role stereotypes, gender role conflicts, and femininity experiences in general. Given the lack of such a measurement to understand the diverse experiences of women, the presenter has proposed to create and validate an instrument that is specifically designed to assess Taiwanese women based on the social constructionist perspective, which stresses that individuals play an active role in making meanings of their gender rather than passive recipients of the social messages conveyed in our culture (Addis & Mahalik, 2003; Wong & Rochlen, 2008).
講題:Exploring the effect of chromaticity on Surround Modulation in Glass Patterns
The percept of the global form of a Glass pattern can be modulated by the presence of a surround Glass pattern (Li &Chen, 2010, JOV). This modulation depends on the surface assignment of the central target and the surround. Here, we are going to investigate whether such modulation still exist when the target and the surround are different in colors. The stimuli contained a central target (2.5deg radius, concentric Glass patterns) and an annulus surround (11 deg width, either concentric, radial or spiral Glass patterns ). The chromaticity modulation will be defined in terms of a color space spanned by one isochromatic and two isoluminance axes. Owing to our primary concern in the isoluminant plane, eight isochromaticities will be chosen along the two isoluminant axes. The colors of the central target and the surround will be assigned to either the same or different isochromaticities in order to understand the mechanism of surround modulation with chromatic stimuli.
講題:Distinct neural pathway are modulated for the effects of saccadic suppression and post-saccadic enhancement
We move our eyes 2-3 times per second to build up a high definition representation of the visual scene from the fovea, nevertheless the restless motion of retinal image is never noted. This is due to a reduction of sensitivity prior to and during the saccades (saccadic suppression), accompanied by an increase in neuronal responsiveness during and after saccades (post-saccadic enhancement). Consequently, the vision is kept stable despite of the incessantly dart of our eyes.
Huge amounts of research have been down to explore the neural mechanism of fixation as well as the fundamental mechanism underlying saccades as these mechanism indicate an internal process of cognition. In contemplation to investigate how the brain senses the environment in daily condition, with a psychophysical paradigm proved to access parvocellular and magnocellular pathways separately, the perceptual sensitivity of human subjects before, during and after saccades will be examined and compared with the performance of macaque monkeys. Furthermore, to characterise the neural correlates of saccadic modulation in magnocellular and parvocellular pathways, extracellular, electrophysiological recordings of neuronal spike responses in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), primary visual cortex (V1), middle temporal cortex, and visual area 4 (V4) will be conducted in awake macaque monkeys engaging in the behavioural tasks across saccades. The investigation should provide a clearer understanding of the neuronal mechanisms through which saccadic suppression and post-saccadic enhancement are expressed.
講題:Individual Difference in Preschoolers’ Dynamic Goal Strategies in Achievement Context
Recently, the multiple-goal perspective that a person might sequentially or simultaneously pursue and integrate more than one goal has gradually become one important approach in research about achievement goal. However, empirical studies supporting the idea of multiple goals were mostly on college students. Kung, Lay, and Chang (2014) demonstrated that preschoolers were also capable of adjusting their goal settings according to their on-going accomplishment in a task and benefit from doing so. Based on the findings of Kung et al. (2014), this study aimed to investigate individual difference in the dynamic goal strategies preschoolers showed in achievement context. Analyses focusing on inter-individual differences in individual changes would be adopted.
演講摘要:過去研究的成果,強調好的適應結果需要個體有較佳的心理彈性(Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010):指稱個體可以依據脈絡需求採用與脈絡適配的適應策略。本研究以價值(value)作為探討適應策略與脈絡適配性(fit)的概念,強調不論是自我的狀態的脈絡或是外在環境的脈絡都可用價值作為脈絡的特徵,進一步討論適應策略與脈絡的適配性。本研究根據Schwartz 等人(2012)關於價值的動機結構的研究成果,搭配Skinner等人(2003, 2007)針對個體因應策略使用動機的分類進行探討,發現在理論上,價值的內涵與適應策略的特徵有動機上的對應性;初步研究針對適應歷程中的因應策略選擇是否與個體的價值排序俱有相互對應的關係,探討個別的價值觀是否有其對應適配的適應策略;進一步的研究再針對個體知覺適應策略與脈絡價值或個人價值的適配性對於適應結果的影響進行探討,以了解個體的適應歷程中個人價值對於個體行動與適應結果的作用效果。