講題:雙重尋道理論之初探:Goodale & Milner雙重視覺路徑理論之引申
文化心理學家Richard Shweder提出了一個重要原則:「一種心智,多種心態;普世主義,考量分疏」(one mind, many mentalities: universalism without uniformity),以期心理學家能依此來建構理論,既能說明人類普遍心智,又能解釋處於不同時空、文化脈絡下所展現出來的不同心態。這是本研究的出發點。第一個問題:「人類普遍心智為何?」,實等同於孟子所提出的大哉問:「人之所以異於禽獸者幾希」,只是那幾希處為何,眾說紛紜,見仁見智。依筆者之見,想要解答這個問題,勢必得拿其他動物,特別是靈長類大猿如黑猩猩、巴布諾猿、大猩猩、紅毛猩猩,來跟人類相互比較、交叉辯證。換言之,這個問題的本質可能是人類演化的問題。至於第二個問題:「為何會有文化差異?其根源、機制為何?」,其問題本質則屬文化演進。人類演化和文化演進所秉持的演化機制大致雷同,都依適應生存、繁衍養育的天擇、性擇來做取捨,不同的是文化演進還有人擇(artificial selection),其取捨依據乃為美醜善惡、是非對錯的價值觀,而與適應生存、繁衍養育關係不大。「演化」無目的、無意志、無美醜、善惡、優劣之分,「演進」則蘊含著價值取捨,兩者之差異,大抵如此。另外,造就文化差異的機制,也類似生物種化(speciation)的各種隔離機制(isolating mechanism)如地理、行為、生殖隔離、或奠基者效應(founder effect)等,唯後者偏重在生物性的兩性交配(配子交流),前者則著重在社會性的語言溝通(價值觀交流)。本研究即是基於上述的問題意識和解題套路,扣緊價值觀這個要素,針對第二個議題:「多種心態」來進行論述。一般學界在探討文化差異時,習於將之粗分為東西方文化兩大類群,本研究亦承襲這種分法。而針對「東西文化最核心的差異處為何?」這個問題,主流的看法為:西方文化隸屬個人主義、自我概念為獨立我,東方文化隸屬群體主義、自我概念為相依我。基於這個基礎命題,不少學者提出理論想嘗試解釋其產生的根源或內在機制。姑且不論孰是孰非,甚或此基礎命題根本就不成立,他們大都偏重在人對人(他人、自我)的互動關係上,卻忽略了人也會跟大自然、乃至超自然有所互動。大自然乃指山川大地、花草樹木、蟲魚鳥獸,超自然乃指鬼神、天、上帝、或掌管生死、前世來生、宇宙生滅的任何對象,而人們對於大自然、超自然的看法、態度、以及所採取的行動,乃反映在其本體論、形上學的預設上,一顯一隱、一表一裏,實為一體兩面。唯有將人互動的對象人、自然、超自然(天、地、人)皆給予考量進去,「人的心智、多重心態」才算完整,是以本研究將彌補人對大自然、超自然的互動關係的這兩個缺口,試著提出東西方文化在本體論、形上學的根本差異所在。鑒於強勢的西方文化滲入東方社會甚深甚廣,若找一般正常人做為研究對象,恐怕不易突顯出東西方文化之間的差異,因而本研究縮小範圍,將以東西方文化各自的修行者(尋道者、循道者)做為參與者。最後,本研究也想探討東西方文化差異是否有神經基礎,若有,那是為何?這裡將大膽提出一個理論,主張Goodale & Milner雙重視覺路徑理論可做為東西方文化的神經基礎,何物路徑(What pathway)乃對應於西方文化,何去何從路徑(How Pathway)則對應於東方文化。依此理論,可衍生出實驗方案來加以檢驗之,不致淪於空談。綜合上述,本研究乃有著哲學反思、理論建構、實徵研究三個面相,是為一個完整的科學研究方案。
講題:Evaluating Theory of Mind for Social-Communication in Autism
Both communication and social reciprocity deficits are the main symptoms in the domain of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and also have been combined as one (social-communication) domain in DSM-5 ASD criteria. Difficulty in Theory of Mind (ToM) is a core cognitive feature of ASD, which may cause the problems in their social-communication. This domain, social-communication, includes verbal processing and non-verbal processing. However, the influence by which processing interacts with each other remains largely unknown. In my first-year study, mainly focusing on verbal processing, the results imply that dysfunctions on semantic processing wereshown in several brain circuits in the ASD group. Nevertheless, focusing on verbal processing would be too restricted. In my second-year study, I would like to further investigate the non-verbal processing for youths with ASD. This study aims to evaluate the appropriate tasks for the future study of relationship between verbal and non-verbal processing of social-communication deficits in ASD.
Non-verbal processing in social-communication includes two aspects, cognition and emotion. This study uses several tasks to examine the above two aspects. In the cognition aspect, two tasks(the Dot Task and the Director Task) were adopted to assess people’s earliest social communication abilities related to perspective taking. Perspective taking abilities require the participants to switch their own perspective from others’. Secondly, in the emotion aspect, two tasks, the Eyes Task andthe Cyberball game, were adopted to mainly evaluate participants’ abilities related to advanced mentalizing in terms of complex emotional recognition and reaction. The participants were asked to judge others’ emotional intention from the eye in the Eyes Task. As to the Cyberball game, the participants were asked to respond to the fairness situation when throwing balls and these responses show their emotional intention. As a result, by examining the cognitive and emotional performances of typically developing individuals, the present study suggests that these social-communicationrelated tasks are able to be used as an indication to test the ToM of ASD in my future study.
講題:Self-compassion and psychological health: the mediating role of social competence
Self-compassion refers to stay open and moved by one’s own suffering genuinely and reacts to one’s own inadequacies and failures in a compassionate way. Self-compassion has been proven as a healthy way of relating to self, which was manifested in its connection with positive psychological outcomes. In recent studies, the possible accounts for the relationships between self-compassion and psychological health often focused on the underlying self-regulatory process, the social-related factors were less discussed. But actually, social competence is associated with various domains of adjustments and also a predictor of chronic interpersonal stress. Therefore, in this study, social competence is proposed as the possible factor mediating self-compassion and psychological health. The mediating effects of social competence in self-compassion and psychological health are examined, also, the implications for clinical application will be discussed.