
回首頁 演講訊息 113.10.30(三) 14:30 丘雨勤 副教授〈Metacontrol in task switching〉

113.10.30(三) 14:30 丘雨勤 副教授〈Metacontrol in task switching〉

  • 演講時間: 113年10月30(三) 14:30
  • 演講地點: N100
  • 講者: 丘雨勤 副教授 (Department of Psychological Science, Purdue University)
  • 演講主題: Metacontrol in task switching

Cognitive control enables us to configure information processing to achieve our behavioral goals. Although a top-down process, cognitive control can itself be subject to metacontrol, where regularities of control demand guide its deployment to achieve cognitive flexibility. I will discuss recent work from my lab that investigated and demonstrated different forms of flexibility in task switching and some theoretical implications of these results.

回首頁 演講訊息 113.10.30(三) 14:30 丘雨勤 副教授〈Metacontrol in task switching〉