Visual illusions have long been a powerful tool for understanding the mechanisms of human vision, offering key insights into how our brains process sensory information. In this talk, I will present our research on contour erasure, a striking visual illusion in which brief adaptation to an object's contour can lead to its disappearance. Beyond showcasing compelling examples of this phenomenon, I will discuss how investigating contour erasure enhances our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying visual perception. Our research focuses on three main objectives: 1. Developing an efficient experimental paradigm to quantitatively examine the contour erasure effect. 2. Constructing a computational model to better understand the underlying mechanisms. 3. Utilizing neuroimaging techniques to explore the neural correlates of contour erasure. I will present findings from a series of four studies, highlighting key discoveries and open questions that remain. This work is the result of a collaborative effort between Prof. Mark Greenlee’s lab at the University of Regensburg and Prof. Chien-Chung Chen’s lab at National Taiwan University, bridging expertise in psychophysics, computational modeling, and neuroimaging.
114.03.19(三) 14:30 Dr. Yih-hsuan Lin〈From visual illusion to vision research: neural mechanism of contour erasure〉
- 演講時間: 114年3月19(三) 14:30
- 演講地點: N100
- 講者: Dr. Yih-hsuan Lin (Regensburg University)
- 演講主題: From visual illusion to vision research: neural mechanism of contour erasure