
Lee, I-Ching

  • Appointment: Professor
  • Research: Personality and Social Psychology
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • TEL: S205/ 886-2-33663102
  • Interests:

    Social Psychology

  • Education:

    Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Connecticut
    M.A. in Psychology, National Chengchi University
    B.A. in Psychology, National Taiwan University



Lee, I.-C.*, & Lin, W-F.* (online first). Us versus them: The debates on the legislation of same-sex marriage in Taiwan (1994 – 2015). Journal of Homosexuality. [MOST 104-2410-H-004-052-MY2, MOST 106-2410-H-002-229-MY2, MOST 105-2410-H-033-048-MY3] (SSCI)



Lee, I.-C.*, Permyakova, T., & Sheveleva, M. (2020). Reducing negative attitudes towards immigrants in Russia and Taiwan: Possible beneficial effects of naïve dialecticism and an incremental worldview. Frontiers in Psychology. [MOST 106-2410-H002-229-MY2, MOST108-2410-H002-101-MY2] (SSCI)

Lee, I.-C.*, Hu, F., & Li, W.-Q. (2020). Cultural factors facilitating or inhibiting the support for traditional household gender roles. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51, 333 - 352. [MOST NSC101-2628-H-004-004-MY2] [National Taiwan University new faculty fund] (SSCI)

李怡青(專刊編輯,2020)。性別平權與婚姻平權:從研究結果反思社會正義。應用心理研究, 72, 47 - 87。[MOST 104-2410-H-004-052-MY2]

李怡青(專刊編輯,2019)。彩虹家庭的現身:家長與子女表現的整合分析。女學學誌,45,7 - 58。[MOST 104-2410-H-004-052-MY2] [TSSCI]

李怡青*、周玉慧、張仁和(2019)。親密關係中的自我一致性:不同性傾向認同者的探討。《華人家庭、代間關係與群際認同》。中研院民族所。[MOST 104-2410-H-004-052-MY2]

Tan, J.*, Pratto, F., Conroy, A., & Lee, I. (2019). Leveraging Power in Intimate Partner Relationships. In C. R. Agnew & J. J. Harman (Eds.), Power in close relationships. Cambridge University Press.

Hu F. & Lee, I.-C.* (2018). Democratic systems increase outgroup tolerance through sharing and voting: An international perspective. Frontiers in Psychologyhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02151 [MOST 106-2410-H-002-229- MY2] (SSCI)

Stamkou, E., Van Kleef, G. A., Homan, A. C., Gelfand, M. J., Van de Vijver, F. J. R., van Egmond, M. C., … Lee, I.-C. (2018). Cultural collectivism and tightness moderate responses to norm violators: Effects on power perception, moral emotions, and leader support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167218802832 [MOST 106-2410-H-002-229-MY2] (SSCI)

Lee, I.-C.*, Su, J., C., Gries, P. H., & Liu, F. C. S. (2018). When objective group membership and subjective ethnic identification don’t align: How identification shapes intergroup bias through self-enhancement and perceived threat. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21, 615 - 630. [MOST 102-2420 -H-004 -014 -MY3] (SSCI)

Lee, I.* & Pratto, F. (2018). Gendered Power: Insights from Power Basis Theory. In N. Dess, J. Marecek, D. Best, & L. Bell (Eds.), The psychology of gender, sex, and sexualities. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.

JC, Su*, PH, Gries, IC Lee, G.-T., Tran. (2017). Linking Parental Socialization about Discrimination to Intergroup Attitudes: The Role of Social Dominance Orientation and Cultural Identification. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)

I-Ching Lee*, Jenny, Su, C., Gries, P. H., Liu, F. C. S. (2017). When objective group membership and subjective ethnic identification don’t align: How identification shapes intergroup bias through self-enhancement and perceived threat. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

I-Ching Lee*, Eva E. Chen, Chia-Hung Tsai, Nai-Shing Yen, Arbee L. P. Chen, Wei-Chieh Lin. (2016). Voting Intention and Choices: Are Voters Always Rational and Deliberative?. PLOS One, pp.online.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)

李怡青*、李睿杰。(2014)。自主需求滿足與主觀幸福感:自我與他人觀點的調節效果。教育心理與研究, Vol.37, 59-83。(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Colton, C.*, 李怡青*, Hodges, S. D.* (2014). From east to west: Accessibility and bias in self-other comparative judgments. Personality and Social Psychological Bulletin, Vol.40, pp.1-15.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

李怡青* 。(2014)。同性戀者的親密關係與家庭功能之剖析。女學學誌, Vol.35, 123-145。(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)

M. Copenhaver*, I Lee, P. Baldwin. (2013). A randomized trial of the community-friendly health recovery program (CHRP) among high-risk drug users in treatment. AIDS and Behavior, 17(9), pp.2902-2913.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Pratto, F.*..., I-Ching Lee,...,Kristen E. Henkel. (2013). Social dominance in context and in individuals: Contextual moderation of robust effects of social dominance orientation in 15 languages and 20 countries.  Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(8), pp.962 - 962.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

I-Ching Lee*. (2013). Endorsement of Sexist Ideology in Taiwan and the United States: Social Dominance Orientation, Right-Wing Authoritarianism, and Deferential Family Norms. International Journal of Psychology, 48(3), pp.254-262.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

I-Ching Lee*. (2013). Perceptions of Success and Life Satisfaction: A Gender Examination in Taiwan. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(1), pp.446-455.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Earnshaw, V. A.*, Smith, L. R., Chaudoir, S. R., Lee, I-C., Copenhaver, M. M.(2012). Stereotypes about People Living with HIV: Implications for Perceptions of HIV Risk and Testing Frequency among at-risk Populations PhD. AIDS Education and Prevention, 24(6), pp.574-581.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

I-Ching Lee*, Judy Tan*. (2012). Filial ethics and Judgments of Filial Behavior in Taiwan and the United States. International Journal of Psychology, 47(3), pp.161-168.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

李怡青*。(2012)。 權力基礎理論:權力定義與權力增生性。中華心理學刊,54(2), 203-217。(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)

I. C. Lee*, M. Crawford. (2012). Lesbians in Empirical Psychological Research: A New Perspective for the 21st Century?  Journal of Lesbian Studies, Vol.16, pp.4-16.(CSA)(*為通訊作者)

I-Ching Lee*. (2012). Adopting a target perspective in undocumented immigrants research, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 12(1), pp157-159.(*為通訊作者) 

張榮哲、曾珮琪、鐘弘達、余馥羽、李怡青*。(2012)。'家庭醫學科醫師轉介病患予臨床心理師意願與行為之影響因素。臨床心理學刊, Vol.6,pp.21-30。(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I-C.*, Pratto, F., Johnson, B. T. (2011). Intergroup Consensus/Disagreement in Support of Group Based Hierarchy: An Examination of Socio-Structural and Psycho-Cultural Factors. Psychological Bulletin, Vol.137, pp.1029-1064.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

林怡秀、李怡青*。(2011) 。人際敏感度:權力差異與不同社會角色期待的效果探討。 教育與心理研究,34(1),55-77。(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)

I-Ching Lee*, Felicia Pratto. (2011). Changing boundaries of ethnic identity and feelings toward in/outgroup: Examining Taiwan residents from a psycho-historical perspective.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol.42, pp.3-24.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Copenhaver, M. C.*, Lee, I. C., Margolin, A., Bruce, R. D., Altice, F. L. (2011). Testing an optimized HIV risk reduction and antiretroviral adherence intervention for HIV-infected injection drug users. Substance Abuse, Vol.32, pp.16-26.(SSCI, Medline, PsychInfo, CINAHL Database, Academic Search Premier)(*為通訊作者) 

Copenhaver, M.*, Lee, I. C., Merz-Beyus, A., Faghri, P. (2010). The Living Arrangement May Differentially Influence IDU Parents? Motivation to Reduce HIV risk as a Function of Gender. AIDS Care, Vol.22, pp.1373-1378.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Mary Crawford*, I-Ching Lee, Galina Portnoy, Alka Gurung, Deepti Khati, Pinky Jha. (2009). Objectified Body Consciousness in a Developing Country: A Comparison of Mothers and Daughters in the U.S. and Nepal.  Sex Roles, Vol.60, pp.174-185.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Pratto, F.*, Pearson, A. R., Lee, I., Saguy, T. (2008). Power dynamics in an experimental game. Social Justice Research, 21(3).(SSCI, SJR)(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I. C.*, Pratto, F., Li, M. C. (2007). Social relationships and sexism in the U.S. and in Taiwan.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 38(5), pp.595-612.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Copenhaver, M. M.*, Lee, I. C. (2007). Examining the decay of HIV risk reduction outcomes following a community-friendly intervention targeting injection drug users in treatment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs., Vol.39, pp.223-229.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Lee, I. C.*, Crawford, M.* (2007). Lesbians and bisexual women in the eyes of scientific psychology.  Feminism and Psychology, 17(1), pp.109-127.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 

Copenhaver, M. M.*, Johnson, B. T., Lee, I. C., Harman, J. J., Carey, M. P., the SHARP research team. (2006). HIV risk reduction among injection drug users: Meta-analytic evidence of efficacy and empirical guidance for optimizing interventions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Vol.31, pp.163-171.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Copenhaver, M. M., Lee, I. C., Margolin, A. (2006). Successfully integrating HIV risk reduction intervention into a community-based substance abuse treatment Program.  American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Vol.33, pp.1-12.(SSCI)

Copenhaver, M. M., Lee, I. C. (2006). Optimizing a Community-friendly HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Injection Drug Users in Treatment: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Urban Health,, 83(6), pp.1132-1142.(SCI)

李美枝*、李怡青。(2004)。我群與他群的分化:從生物層次到人類層次。本土心理學研究,20, pp.3-39.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)



Pratto, F.*, Henkel, K. E., Lee, I. C. (2013). Stereotypes and prejudice from an intergroup relations perspective: Their relation to social structure, ' Stereotyping and prejudice, Psychology Press, pp.151-180.(*為通訊作者)

Pratto, F., Lee, I. C., Tan, J., Pitpitan, E., (2010). Power basis theory: A psycho-ecological approach to power.  Social motivation, Psychology Press, pp.191-222.

Conference Presentations

Conference Presentations

Lee, I-C.* (2011). Unraveling the perceived trustworthiness of powerholders: Uses of power.  The Fourth Symposium France-Taiwan Frontiers of Science Program.(國科會國合處與法國合辦)(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I-C.* (2011). An introduction of Power Basis Theory: Empirical evidence in Taiwan. The 12th European Congress of Psychology.(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I-C.* (2011). Unraveling the dual model in perceptions of social groups: A Power Basis approach. Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology.(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I. C.*, Pratto, F., Johnson, B. (2010). Support of Social Hierarchy: Individualistic Cultures, Liberal Political Environments, and Decreased Power Differentials Increase Intergroup Dissension. Annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Pitpitan, E. V., Pratto, F., Lee, I. C. (2010). Person perception stemming from how others use four kinds of power and implications for stereotype theories. Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology.(SSCI)

Pratto, F., Lee, I-C., Johnson, B. (2010). Socio-structural and psycho-cultural moderators of group differences in Social Dominance Orientation. Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology.(SSCI)

李怡青(2009). The Impact of Interpersonal Interdependency and Individualistic Competitiveness on Hostile and Benevolent Sexism. The annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference. 

Pratto, F., Lee, I. C., Johnson, B. (2009). Individualism & liberal political environments moderate group differences on SDO, Social Dominance Theory Development Conference..

Lee, I-C.*, Pratto, F. (2009). Changing boundaries of ethnic identity and feelings toward ingroup/outgroup: Examining Taiwan residents from a psycho-historical perspective.  The Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)

Lee, I. C.*, Chang, W-J., Huang, Y-C. (2009). Filial Piety: Why do we follow it?. The Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)


Lee, I. (2007). An examination of different pathways that lead to support of hostile and benevolent types of social hierarchy.  Annual Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology, International Society of Political Psychology. 

Copenhaver, M., Bruce, R., Lee, I. C., Altice, F. L. (2007). The feasibility of delivering a brief HIV risk reduction intervention targeting HIV-infected IDUs in a community-based setting.  College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual conference. 

Pratto, F., Pearson, A. R., Lee, I. C., Saguy, T. (2006). Power dynamics in an experimental game: Individual and collective effects of violence. Annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.

Copenhaver, M., Lee, I., Margolin, A. (2006). Examining the potency of a community-friendly HIV risk-reduction intervention.  College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual conference.

Lee, I., Copenhaver, M. (2006). Refining an HIV risk-reduction intervention using a structural equations modeling approach.  College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual conference.

Lee, I. C., Pratto, F., Li, M. C. (2006). Social relationships and sexism in the U.S. and in Taiwan.  Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.

Pratto, F., Lee, I. C. (2005). Experimental evidence that how power is used determines the contents of stereotypes. 'Triennial meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology.

Lee, I. C., Pratto, F., Johnson, B. (2005). Group membership and social dominance orientation: A meta-analytic examination.  Annual conference of the International Society of Political Psychology.

Pearson, A., Saguy, T., Lee, I. C., Glasford, D. E., Pratto, F. (2005). The dynamics of power and their relation to well-being: Results from an experimental game. Annual conference of the International Society of Political Psychology.

Lee I. C., Pratto, F. (2005). How stereotype contents derive from power bases.  International Society of Political Psychology.

I. Lee*, M. Copenhaver. (2005). HIV prevention can be effectively integrated into routine methadone treatment for IDUs.  The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual conference.(*為通訊作者)

M.M. Copenhaver, J.J. Harman, I. Lee, B.T. Johnson, M.P. Carey. (2005). Key components in HIV prevention interventions targeting IDUs: A meta-analysis.  College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual conference.

Lee, I. C.,Pratto, F. (2004). Predictors of support for sexist versus egalitarian resource allocation.  Poster section at the SPSSI conference.

Lee, I. C. (2004). Individualism versus collectivism: A meta-analysis on closeness in relationships.  Poster section at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Lee, I. C., Pratto, F., Li, M. C. (2003). Hierarchy, interdependence, and sexism in the U.S. and in Taiwan.  Poster section at the APA conference.

Lee, I. C., Pratto, F., Li, M. C. (2003). SDO and sexist ideologies in Taiwan and the U.S.  Symposium section at the International Society of Political Psychology Conference.

Lee, I. C., Crawford, M. (2003). Lesbians and bisexual women in the eyes of scientific psychology. Symposium section at the conference of the Association for Women in psychology.

Lee, I. C. (2002). The Violence Inhibition Mechanism of the adolescents who commit violent crime. Poster session at the SRA Biennial Meeting.

Lee, I. C. (2002). Young offenders’ uncontrollability of their aggressive behavior. Poster session presented at the SRA Biennial Meeting.

李怡青。(2001)。'攻擊行為控制機制之探討。 中華心理學年會.