Academic Year |
Student |
Advisor |
Title |
2002 |
Kuo,Nai-Wen |
Hua, Mau-Sun Yeh, Yei-Yu |
Cognitive Neuropsychology on the assessment model of attention-A study on the Cohen-based model |
Li,Chin-Ling |
Yeh, Su-Ling |
Attentional capture: The interaction of salience and attentional control setting |
Hung,Fu-Chien |
Wu, En-Chang |
921震災受創者災後身心反應之變動與維持:災後環境壓力、因應資源與因應歷程的追蹤研究 |
Hsu,Kung-Yu |
Yang, Kuo-Shu |
The implicit theory of personality-behavior association in Chinese society |
Cheng,Chung-Ping |
Weng, Li-Jen |
非隨機遺漏之結構方程模型估計—潛在變項選擇模型與組型混合模型 |
Wu, Tsung-Yu |
Cheng, Bor-Shiuan |
Emotional labor at work:Development of concept, analysis of related variables, and exploration of psychological process issues |